Adhesion and dispersion dynamics of marine bacteria on a solid substrate
Luka Gujinović The marine bacterium Vibrio gigantis was isolated from Kaštela Bay from wild early-phase biofilm and cultivated. The results showed that Vibrio gigantis can be used as an appropriate and versatile model species for adhesion dynamics and biofilm evolution research. NGS analysis confirmed the highest relative abundance of this species inside biofilm samples. Its predicted genetic potential confirmed the activity in surface adhesion, cell motility and quorum sensing – a bacterial...
Computational analysis of human plasma N-glycome and genotypes
Ana Sofia Pedrosa Pinto Glycosylation is one of the most extensive protein modifications. Glycans influence both structure and function of the proteins and known to have important roles in physiological and pathological processes. The absence of a universal code for glycan synthesis combined with the technological challenges faced by glycan quantification analysis has hindered the knowledge about the processes regulating the assembly of glycans. Major breakthroughs in analytical procedures created the...
Design and testing of Adepantins - functional artificial antibiotics
Nada Ilić As an important part of the innate immune system of all organisms, antimicrobial peptides, are considered as a possible solution for fighting bacteria resistant to standard antibiotics.Crucial characteristic of peptide antibiotic, as drug candidate is its high selectivity, parameterized as the ratio of concentration causing 50% haemolysis (HC50) against erythrocytes and the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against the reference bacterium Escherichia coli. Using the “Designer”...
Design of new heterogeneous catalysts for renewable energy based on metallic quantum clusters and the surrounding
Antonija Mravak The thesis highlights the potential of metallic quantum clusters placed in various surroundings in the design of new classes of heterogeneous catalysts. In this context, new
sustainable solutions are addressed through the design of materials for enhancement of
fuel cell performance via production and storage of hydrogen as well as the elimination
and utilization of carbon monoxide. In addition, catalytic systems for carbon dioxide
conversion into useful products are proposed. Density...
Design of novel nanostructured biosensing materials and their application in medical diagnostics
Hussein Fakhouri This doctoral thesis is focused on the rational design of novel nanostructured biosensing materials and their application in medical diagnostics, in the field of biological aging. Aging and age-related diseases are the consequences of the accumulation of oxidative damage to proteins. One way to measure protein oxidation is to determine levels of protein carbonyls. Currently, protein carbonylation is detected and quantified with 2D gel-based methods using specific fluorescent dyes...
Dynamics versus kinetics in complex liquids
Ivo Jukić Micro - heterogeneous liquids are characterized by particular heterogeneous micro - structure, which contains labile bonded supra - molecular aggregates. Typical examples of such liquids are alcohols, ionic liquids and various soft - matter liquids. In addition to the usual molecular dynamics, common to all liquids, the dynamics of these systems is characterized by kinetic aspect, which is related to the dynamics of labile supra - molecular aggregates, instead of individual atoms or...
Ekologija mikrobne zajednice s naglaskom na aerobne anoksigene fototrofe u srednjem Jadranu
Iva Stojan U ovom su radu tijekom jednogodišnjeg istraživanja određeni sastav i dinamika mikrobne zajednice na prostorno-sezonalnoj skali područja srednjeg Jadrana s naglaskom na aerobne anoksigene fototrofe (AAF). Za određivanje strukture ukupne mikrobne zajednice na finijim taksonomskim razinama korištena je kombinacija metabarkodiranja 16S rRNA gena te kvantitativnog CARD-FISH pristupa. Metabarkodiranjem pufM gena i IC-FISH metodom određen je sastav zajednice AAF. Kako bi se otkrili ...
Elementi kontekstualnog pristupa učenju i poučavanju kao čimbenici uspješnosti nastave Tehničke kulture
Damir Purković Zbog iskustvene i aplikativne prirode tehničkog odgoja i obrazovanja kakvoća nastavnog konteksta može presudno utjecati na ostvarivanje ciljeva nastave. U radu se stoga iznose relevantni teorijski i empirijski dosezi koji potkrepljuju značaj konteksta i kontekstualnog pristupa nastavi za razvoj učenika. Uviđajući problem optimizacije nastavnog konteksta u nastavi Tehničke kulture, provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja važnosti izdvojenih kontekstualnih elemenata i...
Identification, redesign and characterization of anuran antimicrobial peptides
Tomislav Rončević Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are structurally diverse molecules naturally produced by most organisms, with direct antimicrobial activity against pathogens and often showing other immune-related properties. Anurans are a particularly rich source of these peptides, with ~2000 different sequences reported in Database of Anuran Defense Peptides (DADP). A novel approach for simultaneous multispecies peptide identification has been developed by exploiting the highly conserved signal peptide...
Implementacija strategije predučenja u srednjoškolskoj nastavi kemije
Snježana Smerdel Strategija predučenja uključuje aktivnosti usmjerene na pripremu učenika za nastavu. Cilj ovog doktorskog rada bio je istražiti primjenu materijala za predučenje u srednjoškolskoj nastavi kemije kako bi se utvrdio učinkovit način njihove izrade kao i implementacije u stvarne nastavne situacije. Svrha prvog dijela rada bila je ispitati situaciju u srednjim školama s obzirom na učestalost primjene različitih aktivnosti predučenja u nastavi kemije te u isto vrijeme istražiti ...