- Gujinović, LukaAdhesion and dispersion dynamics of marine bacteria on a solid substrate
- Pedrosa Pinto, Ana SofiaComputational analysis of human plasma N-glycome and genotypes
- Ilić, NadaDesign and testing of Adepantins - functional artificial antibiotics
- Mravak, AntonijaDesign of new heterogeneous catalysts for renewable energy based on metallic quantum clusters and the surrounding
- Perić Bakulić, MartinaDesign of new nanostructured materials for application in biosensorics; theoretical study of optical properties of noble metal bio-nano hybrids
- Fakhouri, HusseinDesign of novel nanostructured biosensing materials and their application in medical diagnostics
- Jukić, IvoDynamics versus kinetics in complex liquids
- Stojan, IvaEkologija mikrobne zajednice s naglaskom na aerobne anoksigene fototrofe u srednjem Jadranu
- Purković, DamirElementi kontekstualnog pristupa učenju i poučavanju kao čimbenici uspješnosti nastave Tehničke kulture
- Krce, LucijaExperimental Investigation and Modelling of Bacterial Growth and Inactivation: E. coli Exposed to Laser-synthesized Silver Nanoparticles
- Rončević, TomislavIdentification, redesign and characterization of anuran antimicrobial peptides
- Smerdel, SnježanaImplementacija strategije predučenja u srednjoškolskoj nastavi kemije