Težinski polinomi linearnih kodova
Ivana Roginić Cilj rada je izložiti osnovne pojmove iz teorije linearnih kodova, s naglaskom na težinske polinome koda i njemu dualnog koda. Vezu među njima, eksplicitnom formulom, daje identitet Jessie MacWilliams koji se može dokazati na više načina. U radu su prikazane neke ekvivalentne forme tog identiteta, kao sustavi linearnih jednakosti za koeficijente te dokaz pomoću takvog oblika. Za samodualne kodove, s dodatnim posebnim svojstvima, identitet Jessie MacWilliams interpretira se kao...
The analysis of molecular markes of aging and potential for rejuvenation in starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina
Mia Juračić Coscinasterias tenuispina is a fissiparous starfish, capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction.
When reproducing asexually, it splits in half, thus creating two separate individuals. Each of these will
regenerate the missing half of the body, in a complex process which is not fully elucidated, resulting in
two new individuals capable of further reproduction. The subject of this thesis is to explore the aging
and regeneration pattern in these clonal animals, which ...
The impact of model grid resolution on Gulf Stream dynamics in idealised simulations
Roko Topić The Gulf Stream is one of the biggest and geohistorically most important currents in the world ocean. It emerges as a direct product of mechanical and thermodynamic forcing from the atmosphere and the ocean with the effect of planetary rotation having a major influence on the stream’s appearance. Specifically, in this work, the goal will be to compare different simulations of the North Atlantic Ocean using the NEMO ocean model which is based on a set of rules that describe the ocean...
The influence of atmospheric forcing on the interannual variability of the Adriatic mean sea level
Mia Pupić Vurilj An analysis of the observed Adriatic mean sea-level time series has been carried out in order to determine the primary causes of the changes documented during the last 50 years. Significant positive sea-level trend, related to climate change, was detected for all stations using the least-squares method and t-test. Rodionov’s regime shift index algorithm was used to detect the following three pronounced regime shifts: the 1989 shift lasting 7 years with a decrease of 4.37 cm in sea...
The role of specific structural motifs in mode of action of antimicrobial peptide TSO8 from Taenia solium
Anamarija Begić Combating antimicrobial resistance remains a major challenge in the recent decades, driving the search for innovative treatments. Antimicrobial peptides have emerged as a promising alternative, given their important role in defence mechanism of various organisms. This thesis focuses on TSO8 peptide identified in the helminth parasite Taenia solium, which is potent against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial strains. To assess the atomic details of its mode of action, TSO8 and...
Tidal Evolution of Close-In Extra-Solar Planets
Fran Bartolić Observed population of giant planets around evolved stars shows a paucity of planets with semi-major axes below 0.5 au, in contrast to main sequence stars where those planets are present. This lack of close-in planets has been attributed to either planet engulfment due to tidal forces or substantially higher masses of evolved host stars implying different initial semi-major axis distributions, because of different parameters of planet formation and migration. However, there is recent...
Tjelesni osjeti
Mia Lučić Osjetni receptori zamjećuju i reagiraju na podražaje iz okoline, kao što su bol, dodir, hladnoća, toplina, svjetlost i zvuk. Pet je vrsta osjetnih receptora: mehanoreceptori, termoreceptori, nociceptori, kemoreceptori i elektromagnetski receptori. Različite modalitete osjeta živčana vlakna različitim brzina prenose u određene dijelove središnjeg živčanog sustava. Somatska osjetila prikupljaju informacije iz cijelog tijela i šalju informacije do središnjeg živčanog ...
Tkivno inženjerstvo
Ema Krstulović Tkivno je inženjerstvo zajedno s regenerativnom medicinom (zajednički naziv TERM (eng. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine)) doživjelo veliki razvoj u prošlim desetljećima, potaknuto nedovoljnim brojem donora organa i imunološkim odbacivanjem transplantanata. Kombinacija koja donosi najveći uspjeh u inženjerstvu je usklađivanje tri elementa, a to su nosači, stanice i potrebni biosignali za razvoj tkiva u laboratoriju. Važno je koristiti dobru tehniku, a u ovom radu...
Topological Surgery and Almost 1-1 Extensions of Dynamical Systems
Domagoj Jelić The main objective of this master’s thesis is to present various applications of topological surgery on dynamical systems. We show examples in which from well-known dynamical systems, using only topological manipulations, we obtain new dynamical systems with desired properties as almost 1-1 extensions of the original systems. Namely, by inverse limit technique we present how to prove the existence of points not belonging to stable continua. Furthermore, by similar techniques we...
Topološka analiza podataka
Tamara Pavić Cilj ovog rada je postaviti teorijsku pozadinu topološke analize podataka. U tu svrhu prvo definiramo pojam simplicijalnog kompleksa, na kojem zatim promatramo topologiju naslijedenu od prostora \(\mathbb{R}^{d}\).U drugom poglavlju simplicijalnom kompleksu pridružujemo vektorske prostore n-lanaca, n-ciklusa i n-granica te neke od algebarskih invarijanti tih struktura, Eulerovu karakteristiku i Bettijev broj. Konačno, definiramo i n-ti homološki vektorski prostor simplicijalnog...