Sažetak | Iako su važan dio ljudskog mikrobioma i cjelokupnog ekosustava, virusi su najpoznatiji kao uzročnici virusnih bolesti. Repliciraju se koristeći stanicu domaćina te sintetiziraju komponente od kojih se sastavljaju nove virusne čestice. Infekcija domaćina za posljedicu ima razvoj virusnih bolesti, koje mogu biti asimptomatske, s blagim simptomima ili smrtonosne. Djeca su najpodložnija virusnim i bakterijskim infekcijama tijekom djetinjstva i ranije školske dobi zbog nedovoljno razvijenog imunološkog sustava i druženja s vršnjacima u zatvorenim prostorijama. Najčešći simptomi virusnih i bakterijskih bolesti su povišena tjelesna temperatura, curenje iz nosa i glavobolja te osip u vidu crvenkastih mrlja. Dječje virusne bolesti prenose se kapljičnim putem i kontaminiranim predmetima. Kod školske djece, ali i kod odraslih osoba, obična prehlada i želučana viroza su najčešće virusne bolesti. Najvažnija prevencija je održavanje osobne higijene i cijepljenje koje se vrši po Provedbenom programu i kalendaru cijepljenja za tekuću godinu, a izdaje ga Ministarstvo zdravstva. Cijepljenje protiv tetanusa, tuberkuloze, difterije, hripavca, zaušnjaka, dječje paralize, pneumokoka, ospica, rubeole, hepatitisa B i Haemophilus influenzae tip B provodi se na način kako je propisano u kalendaru cijepljenja.Virusi i virusne bolesti stalni su pratioci čovjeka i njegove evolucije. U ovom radu opisani su najvažniji uzročnici dječjih virusnih bolesti te su dane informacije koje ukazuju na važnost edukacije o virusima i zaštite djece predškolske i školske dobi provedbom programa cijepljenja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Although they are an important component of the human microbiome and the entire ecosystem, viruses are primarily known as causative agents of viral infections. They replicate with the help of the host cell and synthesize the components that make up new virus particles. Infection of the host leads to the development of viral diseases, which may be asymptomatic, with mild symptoms, or fatal. Children are most susceptible to viral and bacterial infections during infancy and early school age because their immune systems are not yet sufficiently developed and they spend time indoors with their peers. The most common symptoms of viral and bacterial illnesses are increased body temperature, runny nose, headache, and a rash in the form of reddish spots. Viral infections in children are transmitted by droplets and contaminated objects. In school children, as well as in adults, the common cold and gastrointestinal virus are the most common viral diseases. The most important prevention is the observance of personal hygiene and vaccination, which is carried out according to the implementation program and vaccination calendar for the current year, issued by the Ministry of Health. Vaccination against tetanus, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, mumps, polio, pneumococcus, measles, rubella, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B are carried out as prescribed in the vaccination calendar. Recognizing that viruses and viral infections are constant companions of humans and evolution, this paper describes the major causes of viral infections in children and provides information that points to the importance of educating children about viruses and protection prechool and school-age children by implementing imunization programs. |