Title Elementi kontekstualnog pristupa učenju i poučavanju kao čimbenici uspješnosti nastave Tehničke kulture
Title (english) The elements of contextual learning and teaching approaches as factors of success of teaching technical culture
Author Damir Purković
Mentor Jožica Bezjak (mentor)
Committee member Stjepan Kovačević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tonća Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Dunđer (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Jelaska (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Boljat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Science Split
Defense date and country 2016-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Teaching technical culture
Abstract Zbog iskustvene i aplikativne prirode tehničkog odgoja i obrazovanja kakvoća nastavnog konteksta može presudno utjecati na ostvarivanje ciljeva nastave. U radu se stoga iznose relevantni teorijski i empirijski dosezi koji potkrepljuju značaj konteksta i kontekstualnog pristupa nastavi za razvoj učenika. Uviđajući problem optimizacije nastavnog konteksta u nastavi Tehničke kulture, provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja važnosti izdvojenih kontekstualnih elemenata i pristupa za ostvarivanje općih ciljeva nastave Tehničke kulture. U istraživanje se krenulo od pretpostavke kako su pojedini kontekstualni elementi i pristupi važniji za ostvarivanje ciljeva nastave od drugih. U tom smislu su na slučajnom uzorku učitelja tehničke kulture ispitani učiteljski stavovi, čijom analizom je izdvojena hijerarhijsku strukturu važnosti kontekstualnih elemenata i pristupa. U takvoj strukturi rad učenika s alatima, materijalima, strojevima i uređajima zauzima dominantno mjesto, kao element koji najviše utječe na ostvarivanje ciljeva nastave. Uporaba modela, maketa i simulacija izdvojena je kao element s najvećim utjecajem na učenikovo poznavanje sadržaja, dok je učenikovo predstavljanje vlastitog rada izdvojeno kao najvažnije za upravljanje vlastitim učenjem, samoprocjenu i transferabilnost znanja. Rad učenika u učeničkim zadrugama, kampovima, vrtovima i radionicama ističe se kao cjeloviti pristup koji podjednako utječe na sve aspekte postignuća učenika, kao i rad u prikladnim radionicama i praktikumima. Provedba stručnih ekskurzija svoju važnost ima sa stajališta povezivanja sadržaja sa stvarnošću, razumijevanja pravila i vrijednosti rada i proizvodnje za zajednicu, shvaćanja važnosti izbora zanimanja te sagledavanja smisla tehnike i tehnologije. Važnost ostalih elemenata nastavnog konteksta procijenjena je kao mala i srednja, što znači da su manje ili tek parcijalno važni za ostvarivanje ciljeva nastave iz perspektive učitelja. U skladu s nalazima izdvojeni čimbenici predstavljaju ključne kontekstualne čimbenike uspješnosti nastave, koji nisu nadomjestivi drugima, te tako trebaju biti temelj za razvoj suvremene nastave Tehničke kulture.
Abstract (english) Due to the particularities of technology education, as well as experiential and applicative, the quality of the teaching context can be crucial to achieving the teaching objectives. The paper discusses the relevant theoretical and empirical achievements supporting the importance of context and contextual approach to teaching. The problem of optimizing the teaching context prompted the study to determine the importance of the elements of the teaching context and contextual approaches for achievement of the general goals and objectives of the teaching. The study is based on the assumption that some elements of the contextual approach to teaching are more important for the achievement of teaching goals and objectives than other elements and approaches. In this regard was conducted survey of teacher attitudes on a random sample of respondents, teachers of the subject Technical culture. The analysis of data collected by the survey singled out the hierarchical structure of importance of each element. In such a hierarchical structure, the dominant position is occupied by the student activities with tools, materials, machines and equipment, as an element that has the most impact on achieving the education goal in its entirety. Using models and simulations is singled out as the element that has the greatest impact on student's knowledge of the content. Students’ presentation of their own works was singled out as the most important for the self-regulated learning, self-assessment and transferability of knowledge. The activities at the students’ cooperatives, camps, gardens, as well as work in the appropriate workshops, was singled out as an integrated approach that affects all aspects of student achievement. Conducting field trips has its importance from the point of connecting with reality and career guidance of students. The importance of other elements of the teaching context was estimated as a low or medium, which means their less or partially relevance to the achievement of the teaching goals and objectives. In accordance with the findings, factors that are singled out are the key contextual factors of success in teaching technical culture.
nastavni kontekst
kontekstualni pristup nastavi
kontekstualno učenje i poučavanje
stavovi i uvjerenja učitelja
tehnička kultura
Keywords (english)
teaching context
contextual approach to teaching
contextual teaching and learning
teachers' beliefs and attitudes
technology education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:166:199495
Study programme Title: Science and Engineering Education Research Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz interdisciplinarnih područja znanosti polje obrazovne znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz interdisciplinarnih područja znanosti polje obrazovne znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 248 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-12 10:45:40