Title Miskoncepcije vezane uz osnovne koncepte JavaScript programskog jezika
Title (english) Misconceptions related to the basic concepts of the JavaScript programming language
Author Ivana Radalj
Mentor Goran Zaharija (mentor)
Committee member Goran Zaharija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Mladenović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Divna Krpan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Science (Department of Informatics) Split
Defense date and country 2022-11-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Kroz par mjeseci rada u Srednjoj školi za dizajn grafiku i održivu gradnju u Splitu, primijetila sam da neki od mojih učenika dosta koncepata i znanstvenih spoznaja uzimaju zdravo za gotovo, te da ne posjeduju potrebno razumijevanje određenih pojmova. Potaknuta takvom situacijom odlučila sam vršiti istraživanje na temu „miskoncepcije vezane uz osnovne koncepte „javaScript“ programskog jezika. Određene koncepte u programiranju jednostavnih zadataka koriste kako bi došli do rješenja zadatka koji radi, bez shvaćanja i dubljeg razumijevanja što se zapravo dešava u pozadini, kako i na koji način se zadaci kompiliraju/interpretiraju, a smatram da su to bitni koncepti koji se ne mogu tek tako zaobići niti preskočiti jer ipak, škola gdje sam predavala, jest strukovna škola nakon koje su učenici spremni za tržište rada. Miskoncepcije su pogrešne mentalne predodžbe koje učenici stvaraju tokom usvajanja novog znanja, odnosno pogrešno tumačenje pojedinih koncepata te nemogućnost shvaćanja određenih koncepata ili skupa, na neki način, povezanih koncepata na koje često utječe predznanje stečeno iz područja kao što je matematika [1]. Kada se miskoncepcija aktivno izgradi nije ju lako zamijeniti ispravnim konceptom jer učenici ulažu napor u stvaranju istih te također preferiraju njima jednostavnija rješenja. Pogrešni odgovori su poželjni profesorima jer mogu poslužiti kao izuzetno koristan alat za kreiranje novog znanja koje je u skladu sa znanstvenim činjenicama i spoznajama. Zbog toga je jako važno da nastavnici budu u mogućnosti prepoznati određene miskoncepcije, ispravno reagirati na njih, te uz pomoć istih pomoći učenicima u izgradnji koncepata koji su prikladni. To se posebno odnosi na ona područja koja su sama po sebi kompleksna, a programiranje, sigurno, spada među njih. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi miskoncepcije koje nastaju tokom edukacije koristeći „javaScript“ programski jezik.
Abstract (english) During a few months of working at the High School for Graphic Design and Sustainable Construction in Split, I noticed that some of my students take a lot of concepts and scientific knowledge for granted, and that they do not have the necessary understanding of certain terms. Motivated by such a situation, I decided to conduct research on the topic of " misconceptions related to the basic concepts of the “javaScript” programming language. They use certain concepts in the programming of simple tasks in order to come up with a solution to the task that works, without understanding and having a deeper understanding of what actually happens in the background, how and in what way the tasks are compiled/interpreted, and I believe that these are important concepts that cannot be just to bypass or skip it, because after all, the school where I taught is a vocational school, after which the students are ready for the labor market. Misconceptions are wrong mental ideas that students create during the acquisition of new knowledge, i.e. misinterpretation of certain concepts and the inability to understand certain concepts or a set of, in some way, related concepts that are often influenced by prior knowledge acquired in areas such as mathematics [1]. When a misconception is actively built, it is not easy to replace it with a correct concept because students put effort into creating them and also prefer simpler solutions. Wrong answers are desirable for professors because they can serve as an extremely useful tool for creating new knowledge that is in line with scientific facts and knowledge. For this reason, it is very important that teachers are able to recognize certain misconceptions, react to them correctly, and with the help of them, help students build concepts that are appropriate. This especially applies to those areas that are inherently complex, and programming is certainly one of them. The goal of this research is to determine misconceptions related to data types using “JavaScript” as a programming language.
tipovi podataka
Keywords (english)
data types
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:166:566682
Study programme Title: Computer Science; specializations in: major in teaching Course: major in teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije informatike (magistar/magistra edukacije informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-02-16 08:53:41