Title Baza podataka i mrežna aplikacija: "Draguljarnica"
Title (english) Database and web application: "Jewellers"
Author Jure Kljajić
Mentor Ivica Boljat (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Boljat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tonći Dadić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Mladenović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Science (Department of Informatics) Split
Defense date and country 2016-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Abstract Internet trgovina je sastavni dio web poslovanja, a omogućava kupovinu, prodaju robe, usluga i informacija putem interneta. Smatra se najprofitabilnijim oblikom trgovine zbog jednostavnosti i niskih troškova. Proces se naziva business-to-consumer (B2C) ili business-tobusiness (B2B) internet kupnja, ovisno o tome da li se transakcije odvijaju između između trgovca i potrošača ili dva poduzetnika. Prvi korak kod otvaranje internet trgovine je izrada poslovnog plana, zatim slijedi odabir
... More asortimana proizvoda koji će se nalaziti na trgovini, odabir naziva web sjedišta te najvažniji dio, sama izrada internet trgovine. Internet trgovina čija je izrada opisivana u ovom radu izrađena je u ASP.NET razvojnom okruženju za izradu dinamičnih web aplikacija, web stranica i web servisa, koristeći programski jezik C#. Da bi izvršili kupnju, kupci moraju imati račun na internet trgovini i valjanu metodu plaćanja. Proces kupovine ukratko je opisan tako da kupac odabere proizvod, doda ga u košaricu a potom nastavlja na proces plaćanja. Generalno rečeno, veći nivo obrazovanja te veća primanja najčešće su čimbenik koji dovodi do većeg broja narudžbi na internet trgovinama. Rizik prilikom kupnje sve je manji. Najčešći načini plaćanja su korištenjem usluge PayPal, ili kreditnim karticama dok postoje i alternativni načini. Jednostavan sustav omogućuje administratoru dodavanje i izmjenu proizvoda te dobavljača, a ujedno korisniku pruža mogućnost odabira i kupnje uz minimalan broj koraka. Dobra internet trgovina ne podrazumijeva samo stranicu koja dobro izgleda, već je vrlo bitno izgraditi vezu s kupcem, dakle fokusirati se na korisniku orijentiran dizajn i poslovanje. Moderni kupci su sve zahtjevniji i očekuju da iskustvo internet kupovine funkcionira besprijekorno. Također, bitna stavka je očuvanje informacija o korisnicima, odnosno njihova privatnost. Internet trgovina postala je danas neizostavni dio kupovine, a web tržište bitan segment svakog poslovanja pa sigurno treba iskoristiti pogodnosti i nove tehnologije koje nam to tržište pruža. Less
Abstract (english) Today, web shops are part of online business wich enables customers to buy or sell any product, information or service over the internet. It is considered to be the most profitable type of shop because of low cost and its simplicity. When talking about web shop, there are 2 ways of doing business, business to customers (B2C) and business to business (B2B) depending on the direction of transaction going on between two of those. First step when opening web shop is making a business
... More plan, then choosing thep products for the web shop, naming the web shop, and the most important – creating the web shop itself. Web shop wich is described in this project has been made in ASP.NET framework for building dynamic web applications, web pages and services, using C# programming language. To make a purchase, a customer has to be registered on the web shop with the valid account and the valid payment method choosen. The process of using the web shop and buying a product is explained in these steps: a customer first choose the producta, then he adds them to the cart, and therefore proceeds to the payment step. Generally, higher levels of education and personal income correspond to more favorable perceptions of shopping online. Security risk is getting lower by the time, due to development of new and better technologies with the puprose of making the customer feel more secured while shopping online. The most common ways of paying online is either using PayPal or credit cards, with some more alternatives existing besides those two. A simple content managment system enables Administrator to manage products or suppliers, and in the same time, the design enables user to pick and pay for product in only few simple steps. A successful web store is not just a good looking website with dynamic technical features ,in addition, it is also about building a relationship with customers and making money. Customer needs and expectations are getting higher as the time goes. Verry important thing is a customer privacy while using the web shop. Web shops today are essential when talking about shopping activities of customers around the world, and it sure has to be used to its full potential with all the advanced thechnologies on todays market. Less
internet trgovina
Keywords (english)
web shop
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:166:139978
Study programme Title: Computer Science Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) informatike (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Public note Ključne riječi unio urednik.
Created on 2017-06-12 15:26:23